Vispro Medical T.Wapinski, Z.Sobieszczański Sp.J. - ul. Podpromie 8/1 A, 35-033, Rzeszów, Poland
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 0000311745
- Company Status
- Country
- Poland
- Registered Address
- ul. Podpromie 8/1 A
- 35-033
- Rzeszów ul. Podpromie 8/1 A, 35-033, Rzeszów PL
Company Details
- Incorporated
- 2008-08-13
- Age Of Company 2008-08-13 16 years
Jurisdiction Particularities
- VAT Number
- 8133561368
Vispro Medical T.Wapinski, Z.Sobieszczański Sp.J. Company Description
- Vispro Medical T.Wapinski, Z.Sobieszczański Sp.J. is a spółka jawna (general partnership) registered in Poland with the Company reg no 0000311745. Its current trading status is "not reported". It was registered 2008-08-13. It can be contacted at Ul. Podpromie 8/1 A .
Get Vispro Medical T.Wapinski, Z.Sobieszczański Sp.J. Register Report
You are here: Vispro Medical T.wapinski, Z.sobieszczański Sp.j. - ul. Podpromie 8/1 A, 35-033, Rzeszów, Poland
- 2008-08-13
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
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Register Report
Official proof of the company existence